Vortex 2 de 2017 - 185cm +- 85kg

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Ensemble de 2017

Voile principale Volt 150 Bon état 
Je m’en servais pour doublettes en Wingsuit ✌
Petit lavage et comme neuf 
Rien à prévoir, ready to jump

System contains:
Container + reserve
Main canopy
Container model/type: Vortex 2
Container manufacturer: Other
Size of owner (in cm): 185
Weight of owner (in kg): 85
Jump number (container): 300
Canopy model (reserve): Decelerator 150
Reserve surface (ft²): 150
Jump number (safety): 0
Canopy manufacturer (reserve): Other
Date of manufacture (reserve): Dec, 2017
Number of pack jobs (safety): 7
Model (AAD): Vigil II
AAD suits for:
Date of manufacture (AAD): Dec, 2017
Canopy model (main): Volt
Main canopy surface (ft²): 150
Jump number (main canopy): 200
Canopy manufacturer (main): Other
Listing created Sep 30, 2024

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